Overview of the Conservation Project

The conservation project has three key activities:

  • Fabric repairs;
  • Initial archaeology; and
  • Community engagement.

These operational activities are enabled and supported by ongoing administration.

Fabric repairs

These activities and tasks are intended to address the immediate and pressing concerns of the trust, especially fabric repairs. The abbey site is listed by Historic England on the ‘Heritage at Risk‘ (HAR) register; and the boundary walls require urgent and extensive repair/restoration.

Initial archaeology

The initial archaeology is intended to investigate and establish the archaeological potential of the abbey site. Furthermore, this task will determine the scope and scale of key structures on the site, including the size of the cloister, the position of key features of the nave, and the outline of abbatial buildings.

Community engagement

The engagement activity involves a range of tasks intended to provide opportunities for volunteer engagement, school involvement, and the public sharing of the results of the project.


The total cost of the Conservation Project has been estimated as £1.3m.


This cost is expected to be largely met by grants from major funding bodies, most especially from the Heritage Lottery Fund. However, not all the required funds can come from such sources, and volunteer support and public donations will be vital to the success of the programme. There are many ways in which you can support the Evesham Abbey programme. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch via the contact form.