Project Timetable: Fabric Repairs, Archaeology, Community Engagement, Interpretation

The project follows the two-phase project management approach recommended by the National Heritage Lottery Fund. 

The Development phase was completed in Spring 2020.  It established what detailed work should be undertaken and obtained quotations for this work. This information provided the basis for a bid for funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund for the Delivery Phase.

The Conservation Project is about move into the Delivery phase, to undertake approved and appropriate archaeological and repair work. This phase is expected to last until the end of 2022. Key tasks in the Delivery phase are repairs to the historic fabric, on-site archaeological surveys, community engagement and at the end installation of interpretation features. 

Following completion of the two-stage Project, a further phase will be the creation of public access Heritage Gardens in the Cloister and Nave areas.  Separate funding will need to be sourced for this.